
Utilities Panel

Various utilities to assist you and perform various tasks.

Auto Node Attributes🔗︎

Evaluates automatically determinable node attributes for all targeted nodes.
More info here.

  • Select Mode: Determines which objects to target.
    • All: All objects and bones in the file.
    • Scene: All objects and bones in the scene.
    • Visible: Only the visible objects (and bones).
    • Selected: Only the selected objects/bones.

Armature from objects🔗︎

Creates an armature setup from an object hierarchy. Use this when you need to import animations to a model that was not imported or created with an armature.
Simply select the root of the object hierarchy that you want to convert and press the button.


  • Merge Meshes: Merges all meshes to one for imported armatures.

Correct Armature Visuals🔗︎

Updates the bones of an armature with display models, layers and colored groups.


  • Bone Shapes: Assigns each bone a shape to display the rotations in a more "correct" way.
  • Bone Groups: Assign each bone a bone group with a distinct color based on how they affect the meshes.
  • Bone Layers: Set up bone layers based on how they affect the meshes. Default layer will keep all bones.

Generate Path🔗︎

Generates a path from the selected edge loop. Only available while editing meshes.


Create Camera setup🔗︎

Creates a new camera object setup that can be used for importing and exporting camera animations.

Copy Vertex indices to clipboard🔗︎

Copies the indices of selected vertices to the clipboard. Must be in edit mode to execute.
Useful for creating SA1 models with welding.

Bake Node Animation🔗︎

Simulates an export and import of a node animation. This will let you experiment with the various parameters in realtime and directly view the results and how the animation would look ingame.