Scene settings properties🔗︎

Various scene settings to tell blender how the scene is intended to be used.


File metadata of who made the file


File metadata of what the file contains

Scene Type🔗︎

Type of scene, which enables or disables various menus across the addon.

Use Principled BSDF🔗︎

Will use blenders builtin Principled BSDF node for shading. Especially useful for when exporting models to another format, so that textures and a few other properties are kept.

Lighting Data🔗︎

Scene wide viewport rendering properties. Do not affect any export.

Light Direction🔗︎

The direction from which the light should come (drag the sphere).

Light Color🔗︎

The diffuse light color.

Ambient Color🔗︎

The ambient light color.

Viewport Specular🔗︎

Whether specular highlights should be rendered

Viewport blend mode🔗︎

The viewport blending mode for addon materials.

Enable backface culling🔗︎

Whether to use backface culling for addon materials that dont use double sided rendering.