Node Properties Panel🔗︎

Objects and bones are considered nodes and own attributes related to them, which the sonic adventure games use to determine how to evaluate them during runtime.

The panel can be found in the properties editor, under the object and bone tabs, both called "SAIO Node Properties".


The following attributes dont need to be set by hand and can be evaluated at export time:

  • Ignore Position
  • Ignore Rotation
  • Ignore Scale
  • Skip Draw
  • Skip Children

Ignore Position / Rotation / Scale🔗︎

Settings these makes the game ignore the transform channels of the same name.
These get ignored when animating respective channel.

Rotate ZYX🔗︎

In case the default rotation order (XYZ) does not achieve necessary results, you can flip the rotation order so that the game first applies Z, then Y and lastly X.

Skip Draw🔗︎

The game will ignore any attach data on the node and not render it. Required by the game if the node has no attach data.

Skip Children🔗︎

The game will ignore any children of the node. Required by the game if the node has no children.

Not Animated🔗︎

When set, this node will be completely ignored during node animation evaluation, essentially skipping an index when encountered.

No Morph🔗︎

The same as Not Animated, but for morph animations.