Asset Locations🔗︎

All assets can be found within any project folder created using the SA Tools Hub from the Sonic Adventure Toolset. Below is quick guide to help with looking for files. Each section will also contain links to where you can find more indepth information.

Sonic Adventure🔗︎

  • Character Models
    • Found inside of the folder: /figure
    • Each subdirectory is named after each character. Their models and animations can be found inside of the /models folder.
  • Game Objects
    • Common game objects will be found in the /object folder.
    • Level objects will typically be stored in the /common/models folders found within the respective stage folders.
  • Levels
    • Action stages are all of the folders starting with stg[id]
    • Boss stages are all folders starting with boss
    • Adventure fields are all of the folders starting with adv
  • Chao

    • /a_life contains the animals and their barrier model.
    • /chao contains all other chao related info assets.
      • Gardens, Chao Race, and the Black Market are stored in their respective folders starting with stg_.
      • Chao Models are stored in /al_model.
      • Chao Animations are stored in /al_motion.
      • Objects and other data can be found in the /data folder.
  • Textures

    • These will be found in your game installation within the /system/ folder.

The below links are to more comprehensive lists for assets.

Sonic Adventure 2🔗︎

  • Character Models
    • All character models will be found in: /figure/bin
      • Their animations will be stored in the [character]mtn folders.
  • Misc Objects and Level Objects
    • Enemy models will be found in: /Enemy.
    • Most stage objects will be found in their respective stage folder inside the models folder.
  • Stages
    • Action stages are all folders starting with stg[id].
    • Boss stages are all folders starting with Boss.
  • Chao
    • All chao data can be found within: /Chao.
      • Gardens, Race Stages, Karate, and the Black Market can be found in their respective stg folders.
    • Chao models can be found in the /models folder.
    • Chao Garden objects can be found in the /common folder.

The below links are to more comprehensive lists for assets.